Jamie Dornan gave a touching tribute to the Czechoslovakian World War Two heroes at the premiere of his latest movie, Anthropoid.
The premiere took place yesterday at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival.
Anthropoid is a far cry from his most well known role as Christian Grey in 50 Shades of Grey.
In Anthropoid, Jamie plays the role of a Czech soldier who is arranging to kill a high ranking Natzi official along with another soldier played by Cillian Murphy.
Speaking at the festival Jamie gave a heartwarming speech, in which he honoured the Czech men and women involved in the war.
He said, “We realized what an important story this is to the Czech Republic and we felt a great deal of pressure to tell it in an appropriate way and honor the men and women involved.
“I really hope that we’ve done that. We’re very proud of the movie and I hope that we’ve done the country proud as well.”
We can’t wait to see Anthropoid when it comes out later this year!