During this time of year, our skin can get a bit of a beating from the wild weather.
From wind and rain to freezing cold temperatures, and bursts of central heating, our skin can react negatively to all the changes.
It’s common during winter to suffer from dry cracked lips.
If you are one of these sufferers, we have the solution for you.
You may have already heard of adding sugar and honey together as a moisturiser but if it doesn’t seem to give you lasting results, read on.
Making a little pot of the formula to keep by your bedside may be the permanent solution you need.
Add sugar, honey and lemon together in a bowl and pour it into a small container.
Just before you go to bed, apply to your lips for less than a minute and scrub off.
Before you head off to sleep, apply regular lip balm onto your lips to lock in the moisture.
Lip protection works best overnight when you are keeping your mouth still.
Check out Pure Wow’s video below for more: