The O’Donovan brothers have revealed they were disappointed that they placed second for rowing in the 2016 Olympic Games.
Ireland’s favourite brothers appeared on The Ray D’Arcy Show last night and, as usual, they provided us with endless entertainment, but the boys also showed a more serious side as they discussed their Olympic win.
When Ray showed a clip of their historic win on the show, he noted that Paul looked despondent.
“Paul you don’t look to happy, why do you not like looking at it?” he said.
Paul explained that although he knows it was a big achievement to place in the Olympic Games, he’s still disappointed that they didn’t come first.
“All we’ve ever wanted since we were kids was to win the Olympics.” he said.
“It was the one goal we set out always, to try and win it and I suppose we failed at that. People are always saying ‘wow, it must be a dream come true’ but for us it’s not, we failed at the one thing we were working towards and we may never be in that position again, you wouldn’t know what would happen over the next four years.
“In a way it could be a missed opportunity, we’ll try our best for sure. I do realise that it is a good achievement and I am happy about it.”

Gary added that they trained as hard they could from the beginning of their Olympics journey to the end, and they have no regrets.
“We are satisfied that we did everything we could. From the moment we qualified to when we got the medal, we were satisfied that we did everything we could.” he said.
You’ll both always be heroes in our eyes!