The drama continued last night between Operation Transformation leader John Conmy and the show’s dietician Aoife Hearne, when John’s wife hit back at negative comments made during the previous week’s weigh-in.

Last week, Aoife told John that she was “pissed off” at his wife Evonne for making him meatballs, stating that he should be taking responsibility for himself. Then on last night’s show Evonne fought back at the comments stating that they were unfair and that the public support the couple have received online has been huge.
“People didn’t agree with what she said. Her comments just were not appropriate at all. She condemned him and they actually thought that myself and John working together as a team was absolutely fantastic and they told us to keep going and not to take a blind bit of notice of anything she said, which we haven’t” she told The Independent.

The drama continued as John faced more difficulty this week with a knee injury stopping him from exercising. At the weigh-in he discovered that he only lost half of his weekly target. Operation Transformation trainer Karl Henry was not a happy camper and had some stern words for him.
“The numbers don’t really add up. At that weight, irrelevant of any movement – if there is no movement whatsoever – the massive shift in lifestyle in a food and lack of alcohol perspective, should be hitting numbers above five pounds in Week 2.”

Let’s hope John is more successful this week!