Teresa Mannion and Katherine Lynch have lost an impressive three stone between them since starting Dancing with the Stars.
Both the comedian and reporter have have lost 1st 5lbs each since starting the show on January 8th – and they look incredible!
Katherine kick started her weight loss journey last September on Operation Transformation, when she lost 13.5lbs over the course of four weeks, and she’s gone from strength to strength ever since the show ended.
“I lost a stone doing Operation Transformation. And I’ve lost about a stone and a half from doing Dancing With the Stars. We’re doing about 16 hours a week of dancing.” Katherine told the Sunday Independent.

Unfortunately, Theresa was eliminated on last night’s show following a dance-off with Red Rock’s Denise McCormack, but we’ve no doubt she’ll continue her new healthy lifestyle post DWTS – so that she keeps her newly christened “Michelle Obama arms”.
“It’s not an unhealthy weight loss, it’s been steady since Christmas. I have lost about 19lbs. I gave up bread and am eating healthier, having nice salads and soups, but I still have something sweet every day and enjoy wine at the weekends.” Teresa told the Sunday Independent.
“So many people have been asking me about my arms! People say, ‘You’ve got Michelle Obama arms’. I have previously done BodyPump, a bit of kettlebells, so I think it must be muscle memory. I am in those hold positions, where you are holding your arms up all the time, and I’m learning about posture, and my arms are responding.”