As we move into the new phase of lockdown and restrictions begin to ease, it’s perfectly normal to feel a whole range of emotions. After spending the last four months at home surrounded by the same people, it’s understandable that we may feel slightly uneasy at the thoughts of mingling with others again, whether it’s out at the shops, in the salon or in a restaurant. Below are a few simple steps you can follow to keep yourself safe and protected – and the most vulnerable in society too – while entering back into our new world.
1. Carry a small bottle of hand sanitiser in your purse
Chances are, you’ve already been doing this since lockdown began – but we can’t let habits slip just yet. Even though most shops have sanitising stations at the door, it’s always good to carry your own too. You can get small bottles in most supermarkets, garages or pharmacies, perfect to fit in your handbag or jacket pocket.
2. Wash your hands
Sanitising is great but don’t forget to still wash your hands for extra protection at regular intervals throughout the day. A simple mix of soap and water is the best way to keep clean, especially for children.

3. Carry moisturiser
Have your favourite moisturiser or hand cream in your purse alongside your hand sanitiser. Frequent hand washing and sanitising can cause your skin to dry up and feel extremely irritated. After washing your hands apply a little bit of lotion and go about your day without a worry in your mind.
4. Wear a mask
If you are getting on public transport, going back to work or to the shops, don’t forget to wear your mask. You may find them slightly uncomfortable to begin with, but that will only lasts a few minutes. By wearing a mask, you are protecting yourself and those around you. It could save lives and help prevent the spread of the virus, so it’s a no brainer.
5. Don’t forget social distancing
It’s been months since we’ve been able to hug and kiss our loved ones, but remember just because restrictions are lifting doesn’t mean the virus isn’t gone. Keep a two meter distance from people where possible at all times, especially when out and about. Most establishments will have markings to show you were to stand, but if they don’t, take matters into your own hands and socially distance yourself where possible.
Words: Anastasiya Sytnyk