Things are difficult for Ireland at the moment as we know, but we are seeing so many positive words shared on social media which are lifting our spirits.
So many of our favourite famous faces have been sharing posts encouraging people to stay at home, and to see the happy moments in everyday.
Rosanna Davidson
“Spent this week thinking of all the positives in this situation & love these ones – especially the appreciation for our frontline workers… And the memes.” Also #togetherathome from @Hozier. I’m very grateful to have @wesquirke working from home & the extra help with changing nappies!”
Darren Kennedy
A loss of reason and a wave of fear poses a far greater threat than the virus. Let’s keep our calm, there’s no need to panic, this will pass. In the meantime let’s look out for each other, our families, our neighbours and our communities. Human beings are always at our strongest when we band together. Happy Thursday!”
This has 100% taught me more than I will ever know. It’s the little things in life, the things that I did every single day and never gave them a second thought. And now look……..well when this ends and it will, I hope that everyone everywhere across the globe will be so grateful & appreciative of all these little things we have in our lives.”
Grace Mongey
Moments are challenging but when we look back on spring 2020 we will have days filled with love, laughter and quality time spent together. When the world stopped for a bit so we could all have that time we needed.
I’m enjoying reading and just sitting. Nowhere to be and not much to do but cuddle & kiss my family. These days will test us, they will shape us and they will give us a greater understanding of the world. Stay in, stay safe & stay apart.”
Holly Carpenter
It’s mad how quickly life can change and things that were once a normal part of your day are not an option anymore (for now) – but it’s important to remember this is going to pass and I think we’ll come out of this stronger with a bigger appreciation for the things that really matter in life.
Stay safe, focus on the good, follow the guidelines from the government & soon this will all be a crazy memory!”
Rosie Connolly
Sometimes, no matter how bad your day may have been, when you stop and think, you’ll be able to find a little moment of happiness in even the smallest things.”
Roz Purcell
Remember we are the front line to! Social distancing is are job WE NEED TO PLAY OUR PART!!!
I love seeing everyone out hiking I’m such a big advocate for getting out up the hills (I miss my hike life fam!). I’ve heard a lot of hikes around Wicklow/Dublin area are jammers so therefore it isn’t really facilitating social distancing with narrow paths or plank walks (even though I know you can just jump off to the side!) if we can’t do this right we won’t win the fight!!!!”
Storm Keating
“Keep on smiling #sendingloveandlight from our family to yours #wecandothis”