Sarah Jessica Parker has revealed that her 13-year-old son is a massive GAA fan.
The actress, who often holidays in Donegal, has said that her son is a keen GAA fan however, her twin daughters are interested in a range of different activities.
She told The Irish Sun, “He’s (her son) interested in soccer and GAA. My daughters paint and are interested in art. They like riding horses and they love gardening. Their interests all seem sort of fleeting, like they are just trying out a bunch of things.
“They like fighting. They have their own wonderful things that make them odd and eccentric and which I’m glad
to see emerge. I am amused by them and like them very much.”

The Sex and the City star admitted that although she loves her annual visit to Donegal, she won’t be holidaying there this year as she’s too busy. However, she assures that hubby Matthew Broderick’s parents will be visiting in their place.
She said, “We always have a fabulous time in Donegal and I’m so sorry we’re not going to be able to make it this year.
“It’s one of our happiest places ever, but sadly we have to skip this summer. My in-laws will be visiting instead.”
We hope that Jessica can take time out of her busy schedule to visit us again next year!