Ryan Tubridy has paid a heartfelt tribute to Saoírse Ruane, following her death this week.
Former Late Late Show Ryan Tubridy said he was shocked and desperately saddened by the news of Saoírse’s death.
Speaking on his Virgin UK radio programme, Ryan said that Saoírse was one of the most extraordinary young people he has ever met, who only ever wanted to make the world a better place.

He praised Saoírse for all that she had achieved and explained that hundreds of thousands of children all over Ireland now have a better life because of what she started on the Toy Show in 2020.
He even recalled a fond memory of a time he jumped on a trampoline with Saoírse at her home in Galway and had tea and cake in the kitchen.
“We love you, we will miss you, rest in peace you beautiful, beautiful soul,” he concluded his tribute.
Ryan also shared in a touching social media post how they had become friends instantly.

Adding: “A selfless, humble, kind, optimistic and thoughtful child. She was everything we should and could be as a country and her passing will put so much into perspective for so many of us.
“I send my condolences and all the love possible to Roseanna, Ollie and Farrah Rose, a beautiful family whose world has changed utterly.
“I want to thank them for sharing their extraordinary Saoírse with us all.
“The world is a poorer place without Saoírse but I do hope that twinkle in her eye shines on and on.”