Russell Crowe has shared his adoration for the Late Late Toy Show.
Earlier this week RTE issues a call-out for applications for the upcoming show which caught the attention of the New Zealand born actor.
“Doesn’t matter where you’re from, if you have a kind soul and open heart, you’ll appreciate how wonderful this tradition from Ireland is. The #latelatetoyshow looking for toy testers,” he said.
Doesn’t matter where you’re from, if you have a kind soul and an open heart you’ll appreciate how wonderful this tradition from Ireland is.
The #latelatetoyshow looking for toy testers !! https://t.co/np81ibqhxb— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) August 10, 2020
Speaking on RTE Radio One this week, Ryan said, “We want to get as many applications in as possible.
“If you want to be on the Toy Show, if you are a child and you think ‘I can sing I can dance, I can do mimicry, I can do magic, I am the chosen one in the entertainment world’, get in touch. You don’t have to be an extrovert.
“You can be introverted, extroverted, upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside, it doesn’t matter, all you have to do is be a child. Before you know it, you can be talking to our elves, and you could be on The Late Late Toy Show.”
Adhering to all guidelines surrounding Covid-19 and while maintaining strict social distancing, RTE will bring viewers the show we all know and love this November.
Speaking on his radio show, Ryan previously confirmed it’ll be back, bigger and better than ever.
“It’s going to be arguably the most remarkable Toy Show we have ever put together. It’s going to be like something you have never seen or heard before. You won’t even be able to guess what will happen.”
Applications to feature in this year’s show, can be sent here.
Words: Anastasiya Sytnyk