An executive producer for the Late Late show has issued an apology following a controversial image on a recent episode.
During the show Dr Eva Orsmond spoke about cancer risks in different parts of Ireland.
RTE received over 200 complaints after the map of Ireland used had been doctored to only show the Republic of Ireland.
RTE and The Late Late Show need to wise up and stop insulting Irish people. pic.twitter.com/lacdGkcV9h
— Barry McElduff MP (@BarryMcElduff) September 2, 2017
The show’s executive producer John McMahon, has now issued an apology for the “disrespectful” image.
In a letter of apology sent to West Tyrone MP, Barry McElduff, McMahon said that he was: “truly sorry that you were unhappy with the presentation of the item on social inequality in Ireland… and particularly that the data map we used was the cause of upset to viewers”.
He said the map “was not a geographical or political one, but a data map,” Irish News reports.
He added that the “research using data received from the Republic of Ireland census, and as such did not contain any data relating to the six counties and therefore that section of the map was blank”.
The producer explained that no offence was intended.
“I fully accept that as presented, the map appeared to many as a geographical map and as such appeared disrespectful and distressing to you and other viewers.
“All I can do is assure you that it was not an intentional slight on our audience north of the border and I apologise for the upset caused to viewers both there and in the Republic.”