Since Rosie Connolly launched her own brand, 4TH ARQ, late last year it has only gone from strength to strength. Initially everything was online, but the brand are in their final few weeks of their super successful pop-up shop in Dundrum.
Recently, we caught up with Rosie and she opened up about how she finds working with her husband. For some, the prospect would be quite daunting to mix work and family, but Rosie shared that it’s been fantastic for the pair so far.
The mother-of-two said; “It’s brilliant cause he’s all the bits that I’m not and vice versa.”
Continuing, she explained how they both look after different parts of the business, with herself being more involved in the creative process and her husband, Paul is more hands on with logistics.
“We’re actually quite separated in terms of what we do within the business, as he’s more on the operations side, he deals with the warehouse all that side of things and the staff there.”
Rosie added; “I would be more on the creative side, working on future collections and all of that.”
In particular Rosie shared that he is fantastic at dealing with problems when they crop up too, like the flood they experienced during their pop-up shop; “He’s very level headed, very chilled when things go wrong.”
Laughing she added; “So far we haven’t killed each other yet, but like I said its still early days. Come back to me in a year or twos time!”