

Rosanna Davison Shares Five Things She’s Learnt As A New Mum

Just ahead of her first Christmas as a mum, Rosanna Davison shares five things she and her husband Wes Quirke have  learnt since little Sophia came into their lives four weeks ago.


The model posted a list on her Instagram page and with sleepless nights, endless conversations about nappy changing and occasional, well, regular projectile vomiting, some new parents might recognise themselves in there too.


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Sophia was 4 weeks old yesterday & she celebrated by giving me enough sleep so that my lovely friends could take me out of the house for a quick meal! 🤗🙌🏼 Here are 5 things I’ve learnt so far from being her mum: 1. Time has lost all sense of meaning. I now exist in 3-hour windows of feeds, changes & naps. Apparently it’s Christmas in the outside world… or it could be Easter 🤪 2. We’ve never used the word ‘projectile’ as much as we have in the past week 🙊 3. I’ve never felt an all-encompassing love like it… It’s the most incredible feeling 🥰 and that newborn smell 😍😭 4. Newborns can be relentlessly demanding & at times it can be really really tough. Sophia suffered with colic for the first fortnight & cried all night every night. Thankfully we’ve managed to get it under control & her sleep is mostly much better now but it was so upsetting to see her in pain & we felt like the walking dead 💀 5. Conversations with @wesquirke are now mostly based on nappy changes & feed sizes. And we love it! For so long, we spoke about whether we’d ever be lucky enough to become parents 🙏🏼 . . Sending extra Christmas love to those of you still wishing and waiting for your miracle baby 💫 Be kind to yourself. Christmas can be a tough time of year for lots of us for different reasons, but being such a children and family-focused holiday season, it’s especially hard when you’re desperate for a baby. I was that person for years too. Never stop visualising yourself holding your newborn bundle of joy in your arms ❤️

A post shared by Rosanna Davison MSc (@rosanna_davison) on


Here’s what she’s discovered so far:

1. Time has lost all sense of meaning. I now exist in 3-hour windows of feeds, changes & naps. Apparently it’s Christmas in the outside world… or it could be Easter.
2. We’ve never used the word ‘projectile’ as much as we have in the past week.
3. I’ve never felt an all-encompassing love like it… It’s the most incredible feeling and that newborn smell 😍😭
4. Newborns can be relentlessly demanding & at times it can be really really tough. Sophia suffered with colic for the first fortnight & cried all night every night. Thankfully we’ve managed to get it under control & her sleep is mostly much better now but it was so upsetting to see her in pain & we felt like the walking dead 💀
5. Conversations with @wesquirke are now mostly based on nappy changes & feed sizes. And we love it! For so long, we spoke about whether we’d ever be lucky enough to become parents


She mentions that this time of year can be difficult for people who are trying for a baby and she reminds everyone to be kinder to themselves.



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