Rosanna Davison may be a nutrition and fitness guru, but she too has had her own struggles with body image.
The stunning blonde has just released her second book, Eat Yourself Fit, and has spoken out about the times when she didn’t feel as confident in her appearance. The 32-year-old wanted to let her readers know that the book was written from a place of understanding, as she too has been there.
Speaking to the Irish Sun Rosanna said, “I spoke about my own struggles with weight and fitness because I wanted people to know the book was coming from a real place and that I’ve had those times too where I haven’t felt as healthy or as good about myself. In the book, I wrote about the recipes and fitness tips that I used to get back to feeling fitter and more confident.

“After I got married, I found out what happens when you restrict yourself from the things you love — and that is that you then end up bingeing on them.
“It’s not healthy to cut things out so completely. You should allow yourself a treat now and then because you are less likely to binge.”
Despite her hectic schedule, Rosanna says that she makes time to workout because it makes her feel well, and she feels that preparation is key for staying on track.

“I try to work out five or six times a week and I like to mix it up between cardio, pilates and weights.
“I find together they help me feel fit and well. I think stocking up on healthy snacks is important when you’re busy,” she said.
Eat Yourself Fit is on shelves now.