It has just been revealed that U2 frontman Bono was caught up in the midst of the Bastille Day massacre in Nice.
According to The Daily Mail, Bono was relaxing in a restaurant called ‘La Petite Maison’ when the attack took place.
The restaurant is located next to the seafront close to where terrorist, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhleldrove killed 84 people watching a firework display last Thursday.
Bono along with other diners had to be rescued from the restaurant by armed officers, who led him to safety at near by Massena Square.

A diner at the restaurant told The Daily Mail it took about half an hour for all the diners, including Bono to be evacuated from the restaurant.
They said, “It took around half an hour for the police to get us out, like everybody else, Bono had to put his hands on his head, and was told to remain calm.
“The police were clearly very worried that terrorists might still be at large, and everybody was under suspicion.”
This is the second time Bono has found himself in the midst of a terrorist attack in France. Last November Bono and his band were rehearsing in Paris when the Islamic State launched a terrorist attack killing over 130 people in the city.