Sometimes the coffee addiction can become too much. Most of the time we don’t even need a coffee, we just crave the idea of walking into a cute little cafe or holding a hot bevvy in our hand.
Let’s face it, coffee makes the world go around. It’s a great conversation starter and is a less awkward way of instigating a meet-up with someone.
Maybe you’ve already had your morning cup and then your friend wants to “grab a coffee”. You don’t want to just sit there drinking water and miss out on the caffeine deliciousness, so you decide to have another one! Everything about coffee seems great until you’ve had one too many and the shaky hands start to kick in, you become restless, and you may even feel a little on edge!! Nightmare!
We’ve got an idea or two that might take the pressure off and allow you to swivel your way around caffeine without feeling out of the loop.
Here are our coffee orders that don’t involve coffee!
Chai Latte
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Let’s start with a South Asian speciality. Chai is made by brewing black tea in steamed milk and infusing it with all things spice and everything nice! Despite it being in the name, a Chai Latte has no coffee in it… unless you want it to.
Every coffee shop will have its own secret recipe for Chai; however, it’s most commonly known to be made with a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom, and something sweet; usually syrups, honey, or a sugar-free sweetener! For those of us who are vegan, a chai latte is just as heavenly as a non-dairy option. I personally love it with an oat or cashew milk!
If you’re not quite ready to stop drinking coffee but have been enticed by this Chai paradise, then you could order what’s called a “Dirty Chai”. It’s all the same ingredients but with an added shot of expresso. The limits are endless when it comes to this sweet and spice-infused tea.
Matcha Latte
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11 WOODFIRE (@11woodfire)
Green tea with a twist! Asia has again blessed us with one of its Tea specialities. Matcha is an exclusive tea made from grounded green tea leaves that originated in China. The green, powder is whisked in hot water or milk to formulate a frothy, matcha delight!
Matcha tends to be more flavoursome with non-dairy milks, specifically almond or coconut milk which add a light and sweet taste.
Although matcha doesn’t contain coffee, it is still a caffeinated beverage, however, contains less than half of what’s in a cup of coffee.
Matcha is known to counter restlessness by reducing anxiety levels. L- Theanine is an anti-anxiety amino that is found in the green tea plant, Camellia Sinensis which is used to create Matcha. So, it is this ingredient we can thank for the tea’s calming benefits.
The green goodness is also high in antioxidants and is said to improve brain function. In a study which took place this year, those who consumed matcha displayed improved reflexes, attention and memory compared to those who took the placebo.
With all its physical and cognitive benefits, I think it’s safe to say, Matcha is a win!
Crème Frappuccino
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The world is your oyster when it comes to a good old Frappuccino. Some people get confused as to whether this is a caffeinated bevvy or not. The trick is to know what it is you are asking for. A “Crème Frappuccino” is all you’ve got to say. They’ll understand the assignment!
It’s simple really… ‘Frappe’ is the Greek word for a ‘cold drink’ and ‘cappuccino’ is Italian for a ‘coffee with expresso’. A Crème Frappuccino is the same as a normal Frappe, but instead of being coffee-based, it’s cream-based.
Okay… that was a mouthful, but all you need to know is that it is the perfect, iced drink for your decaf needs!
Substitute the coffee flavour for something fun. You can order it with chocolate, caramel, strawberry, or vanilla…the options are endless. If you want to treat yourself and don’t mind the extra calories, then indulge in this creamy heaven!
Words by Shauna Whyte