We sat down with comedy duo Sinéad Culbert and Sue Collins of The Dirtbirds for an hilarious chat!
You say that the Dirt Birds’ comedy is based on observing everyday situations so, where’s your favourite spot to watch people?
Sinead: I love to people watch everywhere…but particularly in my own home, the madness of family life is where a lot of our comedy comes from. The people we laugh at most are ourselves, struggling as parents, partners and humans.
Sue: Also, parks, airports, pubs, cafes…and I’ve often been caught standing on a ladder looking through binoculars over my back wall. Comedy gold.
Tell us about the upcoming shows?
Sinead: It’s a new show about how women think and what we say when we get together. It’s great fun and we’ve been told it’s very relatable.
Sue: There’ll be a lot of ladies, a lot of laughter and a lot of gin and tonics! Our fans love a good girls’ night out!
What does making people laugh do to your soul?
Sinead: It fills my soul. We get a lot of messages from women telling us how our comedy has given them a lift when they are struggling. That is extremely rewarding.
Sue: We always say we’re providing a service for the women of Ireland….and England, we’re heading to the UK in the autumn.
When are you not funny?
Sinead: When I’m looking at my bank balance and realise I’ve Revoluted all my money to my children.
Sue: When I’m doing my taxes, when I’m hungover and when my teenagers are late home.

What’s been your most embarrassing moment on stage?
Sinead: At the interval of one of our last shows I told Sue that I had to go to the toilet and to tell the sound guy NOT to switch on my mic or start the show until I was finished. Sue got distracted and introduced me onto the stage as I was midflow…the rest, as they say, is history.
Sue: For me it was when I realised my fly was down for a whole set! I waswondering why the audience was laughing so hard, I thought it was my jokes.
What jokes get the biggest laughs?
Sinead: The jokes that are the most truthful.
When you get a bit of downtime, what’s the first thing you do?
Sinead: I spend time with my family and go for long walks.
Sue: Watching my favourite show on Netflix with a nice glass of white. At the moment it’s The Hour and a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
Are you good at switching off?
Sinead: No, I really have to consciously stop thinking about shows and stand up.
Sue: Yes, definitely, the shows are so demanding you need to cherish the downtime.
What are you watching on telly right now?
Sinead: I’ve just finished watching Eric with Benedict Cumberbatch on Netflix which was amazing …and there’s nothing I like better than sipping on a pink gin and tonic and watching some Bridgerton!
Sue: My guilty pleasure is Say Yes To The Dress but don’t tell anyone!
What are you most thankful for in life?
Sinead: My health, my family…and pink gin and tonic while watching Bridgerton.
Sue: My family, my health and earning a few quid doing what I love.
What have you learned over the last few years?
Sinead: I lost my mother during Covid so I learned that life is short and that the people you love are all that matter. I’ve also learned to trust myself more.
Sue: Enjoy the gigs, even if you’re feeling wrecked from teenagers. And wrinkles are our friends.
What scares you?
Sinead: Everything.
Sue: Teenagers and wrinkles.
What are you listening to at the moment?
Sinead: I love listening to podcasts on healthy living to get some tips… I never actually apply the tips but at least I have all the information.
Sue: CMAT, she’s amazing!
What are you reading?
Sinead: At the moment I go between reading Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking and Hello magazine (sorry VIP!).
Sue: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt.
What’s your favourite thing to cook?
Sinead: Vegetarian Chili …that my children won’t eat.
Sue: Prawn Thai Curry. I think I’ve perfected it!

Where’s your favourite place in the world?
Sinead: Amsterdam (my husband is Dutch so I have to say that).
Sue: Myself and Phelim went on our first holiday to a Greek island called Amorgos. It’s where the film The Big Blue was shot. Heavenly place.
What’s your most treasured possession?
Sinead: My car, I love the freedom of driving away from the house when everyone’s annoying me.
Sue: All my photo albums.
What’s your standout childhood memory?
Sinead: My father was a Marine Engineer and once we celebrated Christmas on the ship with him. I remember worrying that Santa would not be able to find the ship and I wouldn’t get any presents…but he found us and left lots of presents in my cabin. Obviously, he had a good GPS system.
Sue: Baking with my grandmother in her kitchen, she was a gorgeous, patient woman and I can still make a mean apple pie with my eyes closed.
What’s been your career highlight so far?
Sinead: Playing five nights in the Olympia last year and filling out Leicester Square in London twice this year. We have incredible audiences.
Sue: Playing the Royal Albert Hall as part of an event for Peace Ireland.
What’s been your proudest personal moment?
Sinead: Seeing my children, Sophia and Leon, becoming the wonderful young people that they are today, (even if I’ve aged 100 years in the process).
Sue: Having four kids under four and surviving it!
Who’s made the biggest impact on your life?
Sinead: My parents, Margaret and Michael Culbert. They were both extremely loving, kind, open-minded and had a great work ethic.
Sue: My Dad. He was so reliable and caring and he made me laugh every day growing up.
DirtBirds bring their brand-new show Girls World Tour to 3Olympia Theatre, Dublin on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th of September 2024 and Leisureland, Galway on Saturday 12th October 2024. Due to demand extra dates at 3Olympia Theatre, Dublin are confirmed for Thursday 24th and Friday 25th October. Tickets are on sale now Ticketmaster.ie