Pippa O’Connor has revealed that she wasn’t the best personal assistant to her brother when she was young.
The blogger previously worked with her showjumping brother Cian and said she was “brutal”.
Speaking to the Dublin Horsehow magazine, she said: “I am laughing because it was a bit of a disaster.
“I think I was about 20, Cian needed a PA and I thought I would be a good fit.
“I wasn’t a good PA, he would find letters and things I was supposed to post in my car a month later, I was brutal.”

Thankfully Pippa went on to have a very successful career as a model, and in recent years with blogging and fashion design.
Pippa recently launched her range of POCO jeans which have proven to be hugely popular.
“I wouldn’t say I have the savviest business mind in the world, that would be Cian, but I know what I want, and I know what works and thankfully that’s what’s making it such a successful business.”