

Let’s talk about the pelvic floor! Here’s how to strengthen your pelvic floor

Pic: Pexels

Society may have led us to believe that pelvic floor exercises are only for pregnant women or women who have recently had a baby.

While these exercises are certainly essential for this cohort of women, unsurprisingly (or surprisingly for some).

Pelvic floor exercises are important for all ages to help keep a strong and supported pelvis and to prevent issues later in life.

Pic: Pexels

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that help support the pelvic organs (the uterus, bladder and, bowel). These are attached to the pubic bone at the front and the tailbone at the back to help keep these organs in place.

According to the HSE website a strong pelvic floor is vital to prevent incontinence and prolapse (when one of your pelvic organs slips out of its usual place). The muscles help a person keep control of their bladder to prevent leaks when coughing and sneezing.

What causes a weak pelvic floor?

The main causes of a weakened pelvis floor include pregnancy, childbirth, and, menopause. Another thing that can lead to a weaker pelvic floor is heavy weight lifting, however, keeping the correct form and a good breathing technique can help reduce the risk of future pelvic issues.

Other Pelvic floor issues

The Kegel8 website states that “in your 20s your pelvic floor is in its prime” and whilst this is true, and many young women won’t have the struggles of prolapse or incontinence this early on, tightness can cause issues amongst this younger demographic of women.

The site mentions how the side effects of tightened muscles can include pain when inserting tampons or during intercourse.

Pic: Pexels

5 ways to strengthen your pelvic floor

So, whether you have never heard of the pelvic floor in your life or are already up to speed on the array of benefits associated with Kegels, here are five different exercises to try out from the comfort of your home.

Kegel exercises

Pelvic floor exercises (AKA Kegels) are the act of squeezing and lifting the pelvic muscles before releasing them again. These exercises help people struggling with pre-existing conditions like prolapse and incontinence. You can even download the app Squeezy which will send you reminders and give you encouragement on your  journey.

Pelvic floor release

The pelvic floor release exercises in this video can help to ease tension and pain.


Engaging your inner core muscles with Pilates exercises like bridge pose and tabletop position can help strengthen the muscles, especially after childbirth.


Yoga is similar to Pilates and it is definitely a slower workout routine to start with.


Yes, you heard right, even walking can help with your issues. The MedAmerica website claims that walking on an inclined treadmill or more sloped terrain can help engage the glutes which in turn can help to stabilize your muscles over time.


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