It appears that Niall Horan has a look-a-like named Liam Ferguson, and he is quite the prankster! The doppelgänger was at the T in the Park music festival, at Strathallan Castle in Perthshire, when he was mistaken as the One Direction star.
A festival attendee, Ryan Johnson, spotted the prankster and thought that Liam was in fact Niall Horan. He even got in a picture with the blonde imposter, but was left embarrassed when he realised it wasn’t the Mullingar native.
Ryan looks delighted with his arm around Liam in the hilarious pic (who’s hair and clothes are very like the Mullingar native we must say).

Taking to Instagram Ryan said, “Still in shock that I bumped into you mate, a true gent! Hope you enjoyed your very first TIP.”
The photo has since been shared widely on social media and people have been finding it hilarious!
One user said, “This has made my day to be fair, class lads,” while another said, “Always told you someone would mistake you for the real Niall, Liam,” and then the jokester himself chimed in saying, “Cheers anyway mate, lovely to meet you.”
Ryan replied to the comments by simply saying. “I’ll never live this down,” we’re sorry Ryan…but you’re probably right!
At least they were both good sports about the whole thing.