One of Ireland’s most sought after bachelors, Nathan Carter, has spoken frankly about his love life.
The heart-throb has been single for the past number of years and he’s admitted he doesn’t envision his status changing anytime soon, as he’s too busy enjoying his life as a wildly successful country music singer!
“No, there is still nothing going on!” he told RTÉ Entertainment. “I’m gonna be 27 in May so time is ticking, I need to think about settling down pretty soon but no, it’s not something I really think about. Not at the minute. As the single says, I’m livin’ the dream at the minute.
“I think probably in about three or four years time, maybe I’ll consider then is the time to settle down. I’ve got a few more goals I want to achieve yet career-wise and then I think I’ll be happy enough to maybe consider having a proper relationship and taking it that next step, you know.”

Although Nathan isn’t shy of attention from fans, he admitted that he wouldn’t like to be as well known worldwide as English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran.
“I don’t know how anyone copes with that level of stardom.” he said. “I mean, it’s one thing being big in a territory but being able to go somewhere else and not be known.
“But the likes of Ed Sheeran is known all over the world, I don’t think he can go anywhere without being noticed so his life must be pretty crazy.”