M&S is supporting 40 community projects across Ireland as part of their 40 days of action to support local communities.
The aim of the project is to target different groups of people that M&S and its customers feel passionate about supporting.
Previously pledging to support local initiatives, the retailer has followed through with it’s promise. Throughout the last two months 500 colleagues from 18 stores across the country have volunteered 4,000 hours collectively to local projects.
These worthy causes include Belvedere Youth Club, Pieta House, Barretstown and Make-A-WIsh, and more.
In Dublin, 30 volunteers from M&S stores tried their hand at DIY, painting and decorating Belvedere Youth Club’s sports hall. The north inner city youth club is attended by almost 400 children and young adults, where sports, art, and theatre classes are provided.
Speaking on the initiatives, Ken Scully, the Country Manager and Director said: “We believe each of these 40 projects, which our colleagues and customers truly care about, will do so much good and create a real, lasting difference.”
Other projects M&S employees are set to support across their 40 days of action include: Groundskeeping, painting and cleaning at Barretstown in anticipation for this year’s summer camps for seriously ill children. Delivering food and sleeping bags with Inner City Helping Homeless for those sleeping rough. Helping to create a relaxing outdoor space for those suffering with dementia at the Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s day care centre in Blackrock.
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