Maura Derrane has revealed that she was harshly criticised by online trolls as she struggled to lose weight after giving birth to her son Cal.
The 46-year-old gave birth to her first child in 2014, and shortly after becoming a first time mum she fell victim to online bullies who branded her ‘fat’.
Speaking about her experience, Maura admitted that she couldn’t believe most of the cruel comments were being made by women.
“We had a segment where we were interviewing contestants who had been kicked off Dancing with the Stars every week.” she told the Sunday Independent.
“I would get up and do a few steps of the dance they were doing that week, along with a professional dancer.
“One week I was wearing a particular dress and the bitchy comments that were posted online were unbelievable.
“People were saying ‘oh she looks so fat’.
“And do you know what’s terrible? It was other women. Women were the ones who made the comments.”

The Today Show host also has spoken out blasting the double standards when it comes to how men and women look on tv.
“It’s important to say it because if I was a man, no one would ever notice what Daithi was wearing or say bitchy things about him.” she said.
“But because I am a woman, they feel they can.
“If you want to look perfect on television, you need to be a size zero. Normal women are size 12 or more, and for me I was always a size 8-10.”