Mario Rosenstock has spoken out on the gender pay gap issue rife in RTE at the moment.
Mario, who presents The Mario Rosenstock Show on RTE 2FM, says that he believes it is fair that Six One News presenter Brian Dobson is paid more than his female co-host Sharon Ní Bheoláin, as he takes on more duties.
“There are stars who command much more money, there is longevity of performance which entitles you to more money, there is the ability to do different things, to do extra work for example.” Mario told The Irish Mirror.
“The Sharon Ni Bheolain and Bryan Dobson thing, I think that’s fine. I think that’s fine that Bryan Dobson gets paid more on the basis that he is longer in service and that he does other work with the station that may require lots more hours.

“For example, as other people have pointed out, long election broadcasts and all that 12 hours. In other words, he’s doing more stuff.
“But if Sharon and Bryan presented just the news together, I would definitely question why he gets paid more because you kind of ask, well what are we down to then?
“Are we just down to length of service now or are we saying a news star is a bigger news star than someone else and when did news become about stars? I thought news was about public service.”