In a bizarre move, Hollywood pop icon Justin Bieber has shared a pic of the Rock of Cashel on Instagram…for absolutely no reason whatsoever!
The Sorry singer has confused us all by accompanying the pic of the Irish landmark with a rant about award shows in the caption.
From the lengthy piece, we assume that Justin’s talking about the Billboard Music Awards, where he performed on Sunday night.
In his outburst the singer states that he doesn’t want to disrespect anyone but he isn’t a fan of award shows or how they make him feel. He’s even more unimpressed that everyone is trying to be perceived in a certain way.
“I don’t know about these award shows.. No disrespect to anybody at any of the shows or the people running it. Nothing but love for you guys and your support. But I don’t feel good when I’m there nor after.”

Although the star isn’t a stranger to controversial posts, this one is particularly weird because he gives no reason for accompanying the rant with a photo of the well-known Tipperary tourist spot. Perhaps he’s simply referencing the sheep.
Fans have been baffled by his post, so please tell us, what do you mean?!