An Irish blogger has revealed the miracle cream which healed his skin condition.
Damien Broderick, who suffers from psoriasis had tried everything from Chinese medicine to steroid cream to try to heal it.
The 26-year-old suffered so badly that he compared the skin flaking to ‘snow’.
The Dublin used steroid cream for a while, which did clear it up, but his doctor later recommended he did not continue to use it.

Speaking of the condition he said: “At its very worst it was very raw and itchy and very uncomfortable from the minute I woke up to the minute I tried to go to sleep.
“It was like having really bad sunburn, my skin was cracking.”

He added: “Whenever I removed a garment of clothing my skin would shed like snow. I had to get the hoover out when I took my clothes off.”
Colleagues recommended Childs Farm’s baby moisturiser and body wash, which Damien has hailed as a miracle cure.
“I noticed pretty much an immediate effect, the flakiness disappeared,” he said.
“It was still red and itchy for a couple of days but then it started to gradually improve every day.
“My face cleared up first, then my neck, then my torso, and then my legs. It was as though it was making its way down my body.”
The Childs Farm range of products cost as little as €5 and Damien says the results from using it has been “incredible”.