

IBS: The signs, the triggers and a possible solution!

If you look four months pregnant after a meal and always need to have the nearest toilet in your view, you probably should take a read of this...

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IBS is a digestive disorder affecting between 15-20% of the Irish population. That equates to approximately 700,000 people that are struggling every day to manage the unpleasant and bothersome symptoms, such as bloating, abdominal pain, and occasionally abnormal bowel activity, of this chronic digestive condition.

Unfortunately 80 per cent of those sufferers tend to be us lucky women. In some people irritable bowel syndrome is a mild annoyance, while in others it can have a tremendously debilitating effect, yet still so many grin and bear and suffer on in silence. Maia Dunphy who has spoken out about her condition said that she’d feel her IBS coming on like a spasm, and that she’s have to race quickly home.

What IBS actually is is a disorder of the large bowel (colon) in which the bowel overreacts to a mild stimulus – such as eating or the presence of gas – by going into spasm. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) IBS is regarded as an imbalance between the liver and the spleen.

The spleen is responsible for taking in food converting it to energy (qi and blood) and supplying that energy to various organs in the body. A healthy liver will keep energy flowing smoothly so that everything works effectively. When liver energy is not flowing smoothly it has a knock on effect on the spleen, which effects the digestive system and manifests as symptoms of IBS. The exact cause of IBS is still unknown, but stress is thought to be a factor.

Other foods such as oatmeal and barley, which are insoluble fibers, glutens such as rye and wheat, also some dairy, friend good, garlic and onions and very sadly, chocolate and alcohol, can all be irritants. A diagnosis by doctor is essential in getting on top of the condition and there’s lots forums, support groups and information online to get you started with curating a new gut-friendly plan that could help improve your life.

But get on it and don’t waste time because in this life we have no time to waste.

Tell-tale signs of IBS: 

– Abdominal pain and cramping.

– A change in bowel habit such as diarrhoea or constipation or even both at the same time.

– Bloating and swelling of the stomach.

– Flatulence or excessive wind.

– A feeling of not fully emptying bowels after going to the toilet.

– A lack of energy and backache.

VIP’s Serena Lawlor tried and tested Symprove – one of the products on the market – and happily can report that she found it to be a massive help. 

Pasta, bread, cheese, coffee and sadly wine are only a few of a depressingly long list of items that I noticed trigger my IBS. Even if you are someone who lives a wheat and dairy free diet (not me!) one sneaky latte (guilty!) will trigger my IBS resulting in bloating and discomfort. Getting older I find my IBS problem has become more invasive, as my life has become busier being a mum of two teenagers and working full time. So when the guys from Symprove approached me to try their 12 week programme and assured me I could eat and drink whatever I wanted while on the programme, I didn’t take much convincing! The idea of not having to spend so much energy and time on thinking about what I could eat and avoiding that feeling of regret when I knew I had had something that would result in discomfort and sometimes pain, made it an easy decision.

So what is Symprove?

Symprove is a water based multi-strain that contains live active bacteria, the good stuff! As it does not trigger digestion it passes through the stomach to reach targeted areas of the gut unharmed. They are: E.faecium, L.rhamnosis, L.acidophilusm and L.plantarum and they work together to replenish gut bacteria and maintain digestive balance.

Symprove Bottle and Box

So how did I get on?

My 12 week supply came in 3 boxes of 4x500ml bottles. There are two flavours, natural and the one I opted for mango and passion fruit flavour. I won’t deny it took me a few days to get used to the taste but it’s not the worst! The key to taking Symprove is first thing before you eat or drink and I admit, missed a few mornings but 2 weeks in and it had become part of my daily morning routine. The first thing I noticed was that I didn’t bloat as much and after four weeks hardly at all. My energy levels improved and I honestly believe it resulted in me having a more positive attitude. That heaviness I was feeling when I ate something I shouldn’t just wasn’t there. Christmas and New Year passed by and those lackluster days you had having eaten richer food and drinking a little too much seemed less prevalent; I was out walking, up early and motivated to use my free time wisely. I felt healthier and I looked healthier, my skin clear and eyes bright, friends even commented asking what I was using on my skin!

So did it work for me? Yes! Would I take it again? Absolutely!

After 12 weeks you can buy individual packs of Symprove to take when you feel you need a boost. You need to monitor your IBS but taking Symprove makes that so much easier!

Available in two flavours, Original and Mango & Passion Fruit, Symprove is suitable for vegans and is gluten and dairy free.  Symprove is available from leading pharmacies nationwide and online at symprove.ie. By committing to the programme for 8 weeks (RRP €199.98), Symprove offer the last four weeks of the programme free.


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