When it comes to Ireland and A-listers, the two have a notoriously conflicting relationship. We’re still getting over Hollywood star (of the Wicklow Hollywood, that is!) Tom Cruise’s trip to Ireland in 2013. The actor famously uncovered his Irish roots and was able to trace his family lineage back to 1825.
The trip, which only lasted 24 hours, was fabulously over the top with Tom receiving his Certificate of Irish Inheritance, an Irish GAA jersey, a special on the Late Late Show and a quick dash around the country to take in the sights of 5 cities. While we’re happy for Tom and his Irish pride, still can’t get past the embarrassing nature of it all. For a while there, Ireland stepped back into a fantastical, shamrock loving, hurley-grasping media spectacle, an image we fought hard to get rid of…and future incoming celebrities need to take note!
To help, VIP has rounded up the the 4 crucial points a celebrity should note before visiting the country!
Know your limit
Ireland is obviously famous for its pub-crawling and bar-hopping. While this is an excellent venture for those celebrities wishing to experience authentic Irish nightlife, knowing your limit is well advised. There’s nothing worse then enjoying a sophisticated evening on the town when midnight strikes (or 5am), and you’re papped falling into an awaiting car, dazed and delirious by the level of Guinness you’ve consumed. Instead why not try an Irish Coffee spree? Sure, you’ll be high as a kite but all least you’ll save yourself the embarrassment of those projectile vomit pics. Sidenote, Ireland does have papparazzi. We can absolutely confirm that.

No ‘O’, please
Whilst here, please try to resist attaching a temporary O’ onto your last name. It sounds neither good nor reasonable and should not be written on any documentation or SuperValue vouchers. Something like O’ Walker or O’ Scott will just confuse the check-out lady. You might think it a great gag but the joke got old circa 2005. Dawn O’ Porter, we’ll forgive you for this, because quite frankly, you’re very cool and Chris is a national legend!
No Leprechaun impressions
By all means, try to get a slot on the Late Late Show and while you’re there, have a good crack off the ol’ Gaeilge. We love that kind of thing, it’s adorable. It also gives us the opportunity to laugh at you while simultaneously crying over the fact that your take on our language is probably better than ours. What’s tedious is having to listen to the accent as it turns into a never-ending rendition of Sean Connery in Darby O’ Gill. We refuse to believe we sound like that at all, at all!

Back away from the souvenir stand
There is no need to stock up on souvenir merchandise. Firstly the amount of green found in tourist shops is the thing of nightmares and secondly, you will never again need a large spoon made of Irish wood from the Midlands with a plastic shamrock glued to the top.