Your body depends on you to take care of it – to exercise regularly to get plenty of sleep, to hydrate and to eat nutritious foods. Essential fats, omega-3s EPA and DHA promote good health throughout every life stage – from pregnancy, infancy and childhood to young adult and into the senior years.
The really important fatty acids are the essential fatty acids, termed ‘essential’ because the body cannot make them and they must be obtained through the diet.
The best source of omega-3 is oily fish (sardines, salmon, anchovies, fresh tuna and mackerel). Oily fish provides the most beneficial fatty acids, commonly referred to as EPA and DHA, which are necessary for normal health and development. Without them, cells can’t function, renew or maintain themselves properly.
Omega-3s support brain, eye, and heart health throughout life. Surprisingly a massive 89% of Irish people are not consuming sufficient oily fish in their diet, so often there is a need to take good quality omega-3 fish oil such as Eskimo-3, winner of the Rude Health Awards for the past 3 years.
Here’s how it benefits the body:
Vital for mum and baby
Omega-3 DHA is essential during pregnancy to ensure optimal foetal brain, eye, and immune and nervous system development. If a woman’s stores are low, this can increase the risk of postnatal depression.
Brain food for kids
Children need omega-3s for every stage of their development. It boosts their brains strengthens their immune systems and lifts their mood. Without these important fats, it can become difficult for children to concentrate, learn new information, and balance their moods properly. A 2012 study found omega-3 DHA has a profound effect on reading age, concentration and learning ability in children. Lower levels of DHA were attributed to poorer reading and impaired performance.
Teens need omega-3 too
Teenagers require omega-3 and healthy omega-6 GLA to help boost brain power and regulate hormones and balance mood. Students require at least 250mg omega-3 DHA daily while studying for exams. Just as calcium is essential in building strong bones, DHA is essential for good brain health. Increasing your level of omega-3 can lead to improved memory and concentration and less anxiety.
Healthy ageing
Studies have found that increased intake of omega-3 fats EPA and DHA enhance overall cardiovascular function. Omega-3s have been found to improve numerous heart disease risk factors by reducing blood pressure, reducing triglycerides and improve overall heart function. Decreases in brain DHA content are associated with age-related cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Taking a daily fish oil supplement, naturally rich in omega-3, can support your heart, brain, joints and skin and is a simple way to safeguard your health.
We caught up with a few readers to see what they think of Eskimo-3, and how it has impacted their lives.
“We love Eskimo-3 fish oils… we call them “concentration tablets” in our house! My children didn’t enjoy eating fish when they were younger, I wanted to ensure they were getting their Omega 3, and felt Eskimo-3 is a quality product. They’re all grown up now- my son had just finished his Leaving Cert!” Catherine Lynch
“My twins have been taking Eskimo-3 Kids for 9 years… I would highly recommend this oil for so much. Their concentration is absolutely brilliant. Their skin and hair looks great” Noreen Boland Tyther
Eskimo-3 is available in health food stores, pharmacies and online –