Being the youngest of three children, the only boy and growing up in the crazy world of Irish rugby, you’d expect Greg O’Shea to be a little entitled but really he’s a great guy, and according to the man himself a total “mamma’s boy”.
Chatting to Evoke, the Limerick lad proudly revealed the great relationship he has with his mam, Carol. He said he was “totally spoilt growing up” between being the youngest child of three and the only boy.
He revealed that despite being spoilt rotten by his parents he was actually an inherently good and well behaved child.
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He said: “I was such a goody two shoes… I never got in trouble, I always did my homework. I was like what you’d call vanilla. I’m the younger brother of two older sisters. I was absolutely spoiled rotten, I’d like to say I wasn’t but I was.”
He continued on saying: “My sisters would have fought with each other over clothes, I was the little brother that kind of got away with everything, I was a mamma’s boy and then in school I was like playing rugby.”
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Greg was raised surrounded by an abundance of women between his two older sisters, Jessie and Laura and his mum Carol. As a result, he isn’t the usual Irish guy we expect still needing his mammy to do the cooking and cleaning.
He said: “I have massive female influences in my life both my older sisters and they’re only two and five years older than me, so we were quite close in age.”
Adding: “I’m really close to my mum and she beat it into me that I had to be able to take care of myself, so to be able to do the ironing, be able to do the washing, be able to clean the house, be able to do this that and the other.”