Graham Norton has revealed the story he would tell if he were ever on the red chair segment of his chat show.
The presenter shared a hilariously embarrassing story recently which involves him having to deny having sex with his dog.
Speaking to a number of publications, he said: “I can’t believe I’m going to tell this.”
Graham then proceeded to tell the funniest red chair story we’ve ever heard.
“I had a gentleman caller and he was fine. The next morning I waved goodbye to him and slammed the door bye, bye, and that was that. I went upstairs to clean up some of the debris… things you don’t want the cleaner to find.
“I was putting everything away, but there was one bit of debris I could not find,” he told the Express and other publications.

“I looked in the bin; it wasn’t there. I thought, ‘Well, I couldn’t have tried to flush that down the toilet, it must have gone. Where on earth is it?’”
“It actually got to the point where I phoned the gentleman caller and said, ‘Do you know what happened to the thing?’ and he said, ‘No, I don’t know what happened to it’. So I thought that must just be a mystery. That is a mystery!” He continued.
A few days passed and there was still no sign of the missing item.
“So that was the Monday night, Tuesday morning. Wednesday morning I was out and about in the park as usual with my dog, Bailey – quite a big Labradoodle – he did his business and I picked that up.

“I walked over and I put that in the bin and then I looked back and Bailey is lying on the ground clawing at his backside. There it was, like a great big ghostly finger hanging out of him.”
“So I had to get it out. Now, all I’ll say is no matter how stretchy you think they are, you’ve no idea! Honestly, I was half way across the park with this thing!
The awkward scenario wasn’t helped by the fact that there were lots of people around.
He explained: “I mean, it’s morning time, mothers with their children were going to school. I went, ‘No I did not have sex with my dog!’ Anyway, that would be my red chair story.”
If Graham were in the red chair on his show, he would definitely be allowed to walk!