She’s the woman behind one of biggest beauty brands in Ireland, but how well do you know the real Jane Swarbrigg?
We sat down with the business woman to find out her career highs and lows, the struggles she faces and what she’s most thankful for in life.
Plus, we discover more about the personal side of things, such as how she spends her free time, her bucket-list dreams and fondest memories to date.
Jane, how did you initially get involved with Inglot?
We discovered Inglot while travelling in 2009 and knew there was something very special and unique about it. My mum and I had worked in retail for many years and approached the owner Mr Inglot about opening an Irish franchise. We very quickly opened our first store in Liffey Valley in July 2009 and haven’t looked back since!
What’s been the highlight and lowlight of your career so far?
I am most proud of the environment we have created at Inglot for our now 300 strong team. I work hard to make Inglot a place of opportunity and creativity and this year’s Inglot Award were a highlight for me. We had over 80,000 online votes from our loyal customers and it lifted staff morale at a time it was really needed. Obviously meeting Jennifer Lopez in Vegas this year is up there too! We were thrilled when Inglot decided to collaborate with her on the jloxinglot collection. Lowlights would definitely be some HR issues I’ve encountered with people I trusted letting me down, it hasn’t happened very often, thankfully, but it’s never a nice experience.
Did you always want to get into the beauty industry? If not, what did you want to be when you were young?
I was animal mad as a child and wanted to run in a horse riding school. Another huge draw to Inglot was the fact they don’t test on animals which was very important to me!
Who’s your biggest influence?
My parents. We are really close and I see them as friends and value their opinions. They instilled great work ethic in my brother Peter and I. We were encouraged to work hard and strive for more but also to be grateful and remember where we came from and who helped along the way!
What’s the one product you can’t live without?
I love a multiuse product and couldn’t be without my Inglot sculpt powders which I use on my eyes as shadows and to contour and bronze also.
What’s your ideal weekend?
I’m going to be a little greedy and stretch it to a long weekend in Tenerfie. I love winter sun holidays. They are just such a pick me up when the weather is gloomy at home and you need a break from the bad vibes. Sun on my bones, good food and I’m happy out!
What are you listening to at the moment?
It’s Picture This who I recently saw in the RDS. I’m also obsessed with the album from The Greatest Showman.
What’s your favourite movie of all time?
Water for Elephants! It’s a love story in a circus; a bit of a tear jerker with of course an animal connection. It’s beautiful.
How do you relax?
I love a great Thai massage and try get one at least every two weeks. I go to Baan Thai Massage in Temple Bar. They are amazing!
Tell us three things you do every day…
I check my emails, share online and eat chocolate…safe to say I’m addicted to all three!
What’s been your fondest memory to date?
I grew up in Mullingar and always remember the joint birthday parties my parents would throw for my brother and I in the summer. We’d have water fights with my cousins, do treasure hunts and Dad was always on BBQ duty.
What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on?
Probably the first time I went to Thailand with my friend Lydia. It was my first back-packing holiday and a real adventure. She was the perfect travel buddy!
What are you most thankful for?
I’ve had a few ups and downs in my personal life over the last few years but I’m finally feeling content and happy again. My family are healthy, my business is evolving and I’m in a happy relationship. I’ve met a guy who looks after me and makes me smile all the time. It really is the simple things in life that are the most important and I’m hoping the rest will just fall into place.
Tell us your ideal date.
Well it would be with my boyfriend Brian obviously (see cringe answer above ha). To be honest our lives are so busy and we go to so many work related events that my ideal date has to be a trip to the cinema, eating lots of treats followed by an early night, cuddled up on the couch. I sound like such a granny!
What’s on your bucket list?
My bucket list is all travel related! I’d love to back-pack again and go to Vietnam and Cambodia. I’d also like to do the West Coast of America in a convertible. Closer to home, I’d love to campervan around the Wild Atlantic Way!
If you could have three wishes: what would they be?
1. Keep my family safe and around forever.
2. Have my own healthy family some day.
3. Eat all the chocolate I want and stay skinny.
Where’s your favourite place to go, anywhere in the world?
Thailand, I’ve been three times now. The last time I was there I went to an elephant sanctuary, and it was an experience I will never forget. Over there, they have a really simplistic and fascinating culture and if you head away from the usual tourist traps it’s a really amazing place!
What’s your favourite hobby?
I’m a real gym bunny and find it great for my mind as well as body. I also love exploring, going on hikes and cycles – I’m definitely the outdoorsy type.
What gets your goat?
Begrudgers and online trolls. Life is hard enough but some people can be so nasty and have no idea – or maybe they just don’t care – how their actions impact others.
What’s the biggest struggle you’ve overcome?
Opening a company in the midst of the recession definitely had its moments, but here we go doing it all over again as we take on the Inglot franchise in the UK in the midst of the Brexit crisis…it seems we like a challenge!!!