Last night Fair City marked it’s 4000th episode, and it definitely did not disappoint for fans.
The milestone episode aired on RTE yesterday evening and viewers were left shocked as they learned that after all this time Katy O’Brian is still alive.
It was revealed that Katy, who has been missing for a number of months, is being held captive, but no other insight was given as to where she is being kept.

Last night’s instalment also saw the return of Carrigstown bad boy Cathal Spillane, for the first time since the death of his father. He wasted no time in causing trouble as he leaves Debbie with an impossible ultimatum- sleep with him and he’ll hand over information about Katy, or don’t.
Fans took to Twitter to express how they felt about the emerging new storyline:
Tonight’s episode should be very interesting! Catch it tonight on RTE One at 8pm.