It’s that time of year again, folks, whether you can believe it or not. Halloween is upon us and Dogs Trust, Ireland’s largest dog welfare charity, is highlighting the potential dangers that Halloween still poses for our canine companions.
With reports that fireworks have started across Ireland a lot earlier than usual this year, Dogs Trust has noted an alarming increase in queries and worries from dog owners about pet protection this year.
As Halloween can be a terrifying time for dogs, with many breaking away and getting disorientated due to the noise, Dogs Trust has shared some tips to keep dogs safe this year.

- Try to settle your dog before the fireworks start – if your dog is in familiar, safe surroundings it will help them cope with the noise.
- Provide a safe hiding place – at noisy times around Halloween, make sure your dog has somewhere safe to go in their favourite room, perhaps under the table. Close the curtains, turn the lights on, and turn up the volume on your TV or radio to drown out the firework noises. Try throwing a blanket over the table to make them feel more secure.
- Make sure your house and garden are secure during the fireworks as fear may make your dog try to escape. Make sure your dog’s microchip details are up to date too, just in case they do manage to get out.
- Be extra careful when opening the door as your dog may try to escape; if possible, try to ensure there is another closed door between your dog and your front door and get in the habit of clipping on your dog’s lead before opening the front door.
In terms of Halloween sweets, as we all know that Halloween is a time for excess sugar and treats, Dogs Trust also reminded dog owners to remember that a lot of human treats are toxic to animals.
Chocolate, raisins, grapes and the sweetener xylitol are toxic to dogs. If you suspect your dog has eaten anything they shouldn’t have, please call your local veterinary practice immediately and always store the out of hours emergency number on your phone.

If you’re ever unsure of a food that your dog has eaten too, a quick Google will give you the needed answer. A large quantity of human foods from things we put in our dinners to snacks we eat are not good for dogs and so, to keep things safe, it’s best to feed your dog only dog food.
But, however, as Dogs Trust highlighted, they don’t have to miss out on the fun, let them enjoy a long-lasting chew or a feeding toy jam-packed with tasty goodies, which will help keep them busy and calm.
For more tips and tricks on how to keep your dog safe and happy this Halloween, click here.