Des Cahill has spoken out about the personal sacrifices he was forced to make while competing on RTE’s Dancing With The Stars. The GAA pundit made it to the quarter finals of the show, before being voted off by the judges last Sunday.
Although he enjoyed his time on the show, Des admitted that his home and work life suffered because of the demanding hours required to learn the routines.
Speaking to the Irish Independent the 58-year-old said, “The amount of time involved in the show is ridiculous. Two of the female contestants actually moved out of their homes for a while because they couldn’t combine work with family life. People have no idea of the personal toll.
“My wife Caroline suffered. I wasn’t home, she hasn’t seen me at all. So I’d like to thank her for all her support.”

Despite this however, sports presenter Des said that he has memories that will stay with him for life and he got to meet some lovely people.
“It was fantastic. In the scheme of my life, it’s not the most important thing that’s happened in any way, but it was very, very special. Everything about this was so positive. I have some lovely memories and some lovely photographs.
“I’ll probably be remembered for the Dessie Swim. I look so geeky in it and it’s the photo that’s followed me everywhere,” he said.
You can catch the semi-final of Dancing With The Stars this Sunday on RTE One at 6:30pm.