For Daniel O’Donnell, spending so much time at home must be unusual. Used to travelling and performing around the Ireland, the country music star has had to adjust to life in lockdown and staying at home.
In a recent interview with RSVP magazine he opened up about how he’s found the past few months. “It has been lovely to have time at home and a lot of people will agree with me.”
“I have certainly enjoyed the downtime and I haven’t felt hemmed in, in any way. I didn’t feel the need to get out and go or run and I am very accepting of the situation.”
Daniel also spoke about the many lives that have been lost to Covid-19 and paid tribute to those who had lost loved ones.
When asked about the music industry he expressed that it was going to be a long, hard road for musicians getting back out and performing but that it wasn’t that significant in comparison to those who had died as they “will never recover.”
“Getting back on the road and getting the shows up and running isn’t significant when you think that people lost family members because of the virus. We will be back on stage and the country will recover but those who died will never recover.”