

Could headphones help us manage stress?

According to The Mental Health Burnout Report 2024, 9 in 10 adults (91%) experienced high or extreme levels of stress at some point in the past year.

Powered by a team of neuroscientists, biochemists, computer scientists and bio-engineers, Jane Ollis, founder of Mindspire has worked out how technology and data science can help improve that struggling 91 per cent, enabling better mental health and human flourishing for all, on a scale not previously seen before.

Bianca Luykx talked to her about how the future of our mental health is in our ear!

Stress gets a bad rap, but when used properly you say it can be your superpower. Tell us how Jane?
Stress often gets typecast as the villain in our lives, but like any good superhero movie, it’s not that simple. Think of stress as a well meaning sidekick who just needs a bit of direction. When harnessed correctly, stress can sharpen your focus, fuel your determination, and even give you that extra energy boost when needed most. It’s like rocket fuel for your brain – volatile, yes, but incredibly powerful when controlled. The trick is knowing how to channel that energy without letting it explode.

Your curiosity about how science and technology can help shape tomorrow’s world led you to set up Mindspire, which is building a wearable earpiece to manage chronic stress. Fill us in.
Mindspire is born out of the belief that we can all update our brain’s wiring. We use a form factor that everyone likes – headphones – and use them to both read (special sensors track markers of your stress) and then write (by stimulating the vagus nerve). It’s like a vitamin pill in the form of tiny electric pulses that helps you bring your best self to life.

How does the technology work?
The headset works by precisely stimulating the vagus nerve, a critical component of the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for the ‘rest and digest’ response. When you’re stressed, your body often gets stuck in ‘fight or flight’ mode. By stimulating the vagus nerve, which can be accessed from the surface of the ear, the inner earpiece sends a signal to your brain to dial down the stress response and shift into a more relaxed state. It’s like flipping a switch from ‘panic’ to ‘peace,’ allowing you to regain control over how you feel in the moment.

What is the vagus nerve? Where is it? And what does it do?
The vagus nerve is like the body’s internal superhighway, running from the brainstem down through the neck and into the chest and abdomen. It’s a major player in the parasympathetic nervous system, the ‘brake pedal’ for your stress response. This nerve helps regulate your heart rate, digestion, and even your immune system. When it’s functioning well, the vagus nerve helps keep your body in balance, like a finely tuned orchestra. But when its signals get drowned out, things can go awry, contributing to chronic stress, anxiety, and even digestive issues.

Are wearable devices to manage stress the future?
Absolutely, and not just the future – they’re quickly becoming the present! Wearable devices that manage stress are part of a larger movement towards personalised, real-time health interventions. They allow us to take control of our well-being in ways that were previously unimaginable, much like having a personal trainer for your nervous system. As we continue to advance, these devices will only become more intuitive, more integrated into our daily lives, and more effective at helping us manage not just stress, but our overall health.

What other technological health advances can we expect?
The horizon is filled with exciting possibilities! We’re seeing advancements in everything from personalised genomics, where your DNA helps guide your health decisions, to AI-driven mental health support that’s available 24/7. Imagine a future where your smartwatch detects the early signs of a mental health crisis and provides immediate intervention, or where your diet is tailored to your unique genetic makeup to optimise your health. The intersection of technology and health is a frontier we’re just beginning to explore – one where the possibilities for enhancing human well-being are virtually limitless.

To find out more about Mindspire’s wearable device click here.


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