What’s the number one thing that draws you to someone when you first meet them? According to a recent survey, a nice smile is much more important than you might think.
Seapoint Clinic have released the findings of a recent survey and revealed that nine out of ten Irish women are jealous of someone else’s smile.
It was also discovered that a large amount of women notice a good smile before anything else when they come across a profile on an online dating service.
A shocking 91% admitted they wouldn’t dream of dating someone if the person had bad teeth.

It’s not just women either, 48% of the men who were questioned said that they wished their teeth were straighter and 52% said they suffered from the green eyed monster when looking at other men’s teeth.
Such is our self-consciousness about our pearly whites, 14% of the people who were questioned said that they hid their teeth while smiling in photographs.

In terms of who had the loveliest smile imaginable, it wasn’t really shocking that Cheryl Cole came out at the very top.
Our own national treasure Amy Huberman was hot in pursuit and 36% of people voted that she had the brightest and whitest celebrity smile.