

Bookmark with Chris Whitaker

We sat down with author Chris Whitaker to find out about the books that made him.

Chris, what book are you reading at the moment?

I’m about to head on tour in the US which is very cool. I’m currently reading Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane and it’s brilliant.

Where do you like to read? 

Most places. Bed and bath would be top choices but I’m travelling a lot this year so will do my reading on aeroplanes.

What book did you look to, or think of, when writing your newest novel, All The Colours of the Dark?

I was working in a library so I read tons of books, much of them during Covid. One Day by David Nicholls stands out in my mind because I fell in love with Dex and Em.

How do you feel when you see your book on a shop shelf?

I never get used to it. I do this thing where I look around wildly to see if anyone else can see it like I’ve imagined it!

This is a big book, 580 pages. How long did it take you to get it down?

Four years. I spend the first year writing dialogue and getting to know the characters. And then year two I wrote scenes out of order. During year three it started to look more like a book. Year four I mostly spent crying because I can’t bear to let it go.

Where do you do most of your writing?

Every word is written at home at my desk. I envy those that can write in coffee shops and on trains but I work across three screens and am a creature of habit.

What is the first book you remember loving?

Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. I was terrified and fascinated, and hugely relieved when Max made it home.

What about a book that changed your life?

The Last Child by John Hart. It was after reading this, and then finding out John had left a law career behind to write, that I quit my city job and followed his lead.

A book that left you thinking about it days later?

Talking at Night by Claire Daverley. One Day meets Normal People, and the result is spectacular. Will and Rosie live long in the memory.

An author you admire?

Gillian Flynn. Her stories are bold and there’s a fearlessness that I think is rare and inspirational. I still think about Amazing Amy often.

A quote from a book you will never forget?

“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” John Green, The Fault in Our Stars.

A book that should be on every shelf?

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. It’s a perfect story of love, family and friendship and I adored every page. Marx. My beautiful sweet Marx.

A book you listened to on Audible and loved?

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. My eldest son is dyslexic and struggled with reading so we listened to this together. Writing that just made me smile.

All the Colours of the Dark by Chris Whitaker is published by Orion, €16.99


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