Have you ever wondered what Roz Purcell, model turned foodie extraordinaire, gets up to on a daily basis? How she gets those abs? And does she really stick to a diet that doesn’t involve Kinder Buenos and Tayto!? We caught up with the 26-year-old beauty to find out exactly that! (Spoiler alert: there are no Kinder Buenos or Tayto.)
My alarm goes off at 6am on the button every morning. Like everyone, I take those few moments to really consider if I actually need to get up before dragging myself out of my cosy duvet. The first thing I do is drink about half a litre of water (I always bring a bottle up with me at night and keep it beside my bed for the next day). I slip into my gym gear (Reebok, of course) And I go downstairs where I am greeted by my dog Wilko going crazy (I swear he doesn’t sleep!) before I take my supplements, some apple cider vinegar and a multivitamin.
I check a few emails before walking over to my boxing gym Beau Jacks for the 7am class, which goes on until 8am. After class, I walk home, usually swinging by the Fat Fox to grab a coffee or green tea.
I come home and start making breakfast, my favourite meal of the day, which is usually a quick one because I can get a little hangry (hunger than turns into anger) after boxing. My go-to is my post-workout omelette, which is comprised of sweet potato, feta and some greens. I also take my probiotics with my breakfast.
I then start the process of getting myself together. I shower, exfoliate (using my own brand Ripe by Roz) and that’s about it as I usually wouldn’t wear any makeup.
I spend a lot of time working on my blog and creating new content; I try to do it early to ensure the light is right if I’m shooting. I re-test recipes 4-5 times before they go up on the site, so a lot of the time I’m trialling recipes with any gaps during the day.
I tend to always have some sort of shoot during the start of the day, whether it’s filming with a brand, a cooking demo or fashion/sports – no one day is the same! For example, today I was shooting some fun video content for Fulfil Nutrition from 11-1pm, taking part in a soccer challenge and shooting some recipes for our #foodporn series.
“My routine is not really a routine…my days are never the same, but there are a few consistencies!”
I carry snacks everywhere I go – my friend said to me recently “if I could describe you in a word it would be snacks!”
I snack at around 11am and 4:30pm which is usually chopped veg and hummus (or my go-to tahini dip) or sliced apple and almond butter. My favourite snack is a boiled egg and almond nut butter (yes nut butter and eggs rule!). In hot weather, I make iced protein slushies, which are an awesome way to beat the heat! I also carry big bottles of water around with me to make sure I get through enough and to keep hydrated.
For lunch, I try to prep food as much as possible, and one of my favourite things to prep are my Asian tuna burgers served with peanut butter slaw and brown rice! It’s so epic and it’s super easy to make.
From 2-4 pm, I usually spend two hours after lunch in my office space getting back to emails, organising my events and ideas or doing edits (fun…). I’m always planning! I give myself a time limit doing work, as I find I’m far more productive than if I give myself all day to do something.
I usually bring Wilko for a quick walk to the park to clear my head after that. He is such a messer in the park…I used to bring him running with me but he kept almost tripping me up so that ended that!
I usually have a few phone interviews during the day in relation to upcoming events or client meetings so I’m constantly running in and out of the house (it’s lucky I live in Dublin city centre!) and I have an excuse as to why I’m always on my phone.

7:30pm is usually dinner time! I always make my dinner and usually make it for a few of us – my apartment is like the café in Friends where everyone always meets so normally I’m cooking for a few mouths! I love making veggie dinners.
One of my favourites is a cashew bean burger from my new cookbook Half Hour Hero, which I serve with parsnip fries and smashed avocado. And followed by a cup of tea of course! I always have a tiny treat after dinner; maybe a vegan hot chocolate (with almond milk, cacao powder and maple) or some dark chocolate.
I tend to get in a little Netflix before bed…I must have watched all of Netflix by now! I go to bed at 10.30pm, but I end up doing a tad bit more work once I get into bed…recapping the day and writing a to-do list for tomorrow! In the evening, before bed, I take some more supplements for my hair and skin – IMEDEEN and some magnesium are my favourites to take.
Reebok Ambassador Roz Purcell is a member of the Reebok Girl Squad and is pictured wearing the new AW17 City Series collection available now at www.reebok.co.uk
Roz is also IMEDEEN Brand Ambassador; IMEDEEN Hair & Nails is stocked in selected pharmacies nationwide RRP €24.99
This feature originally appeared in the August issue of VIP Magazine