We don’t know what it is about a new year, but it always makes us want to get our home organised and under control. Perhaps it’s due to the clear up the inevitably happens after taking down the Christmas decorations, or it could be the fresh start that comes with the start of a brand new year.
One of the areas of your home that may be in need of a little TLC after the festive season is your kitchen.
Here’s how to get yours Pintrest-perfect in January.
Clear out
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The first thing you really need to do is have a good clear out. Throw out anything opened that’s now unusable and check expiry dates on everything.
You’ll often be surprised at how much you have that is out of date, especially once you get to the spices!
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There’s nothing worse than rooting through your cupboards only to have a bag of something spill all over you. To avoid this, invest in some glass jars that you can decant all of your dry ingredients into.
It’s also very pleasing to open your cupboard doors to see all your pasta, rice and flour stored neatly in glass jars.
Utilise your space
There never seems to be enough space in the kitchen cupboards, so a cupboard divider is an excellent way of creating more room.
Especially in presses where you keep jars and tins of food, this can give you an extra shelf for storage, doubling your space.
Get a Lazy Susan!
The Organised Store Linus Turntable; €16.99
Much like the tip above, a lazy susan is a great piece of kitchen kit to have. Use it pop spices and tinned food on and rather then digging through the press to find something you can simply spin it round.
A super inexpensive and easy kitchen hack.