

2fm DJ undergoes shocking transformation to look like a woman

He made a startling revelation on his radio show, which landed him in the doghouse.

Chris Greene

2fm DJ, Chris Greene wore a device that gives the feeling of having 32E breasts for 24 hours, after admitting he doesn’t understand the plight of having big breasts.

The DJ put his foot in it live on air when speaking to his co-host on Chris and Ciara about not understanding the difficulties entailed with having large breasts.

After he made the shocking confession, Ciara challenged him to live like a woman with 32E breasts for one day -and the results were hilarious!

He wore weights hanging off his neck that were the weight of 32E breasts and one of his outings with the additional weights included a trip to the gym -which made him re-think his initial statement.

Chris Greene

Recounting his experience on 2fm’s Breakfast Republic, he admitted that he’d never exercise if he was a woman.

“If I was a woman I would never exercise, I’d never do anything, I would be too debilitated by breasts.” he said. “You have to get a whole new way of moving your body cause to bend down and get something I would (normally) just bend down but then if you bend down they go forward and they pull you over.”

“A whole new appreciation for what it’s like to have them and walking down the street people were looking at me. They were also really annoying, I don’t know how women do it.”

We’re glad to see Chris has learnt his lesson!


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