Amy Huberman isn’t just a pretty face, it seems she’s been making herself a very pretty profit too.
It’s been revealed that the mother-of-two turned over nearly €100,000 for her firm, ASM Entertainment LTD, after it’s been in operation for just over one year.
According to the accounts, just filed with the Companies Office, pre-tax profits in the 14 months to the end of August 2014 total €95,123. After a corporation tax bill of €11,890, the firm banked €83,224.
The fashionista and actress owns 100% of the firm and her father also sits on the board, meaning each of them made €100,000 last year alone.

According to lodged documents, Amy’s company aims to carry on business in the area of media, acting and the arts and to also represent other companies both domestic and abroad.
Asides from this, the style icon has also collaborated with Buddha Brand to release her own collection of shoes- Amy Bourbon Brand. Buddha’s profits have nearly doubled since the launch of Amy’s first line of shoes.
Her collection now has over 40 different styles, ranging in price from €79.99 to 129.99.

That’s not all for the busy businesswoman as she is also cashing in after becoming the face of Newbridge Silverware in January 2013.
The wife of Brian O’Driscoll is obviously a very multi-talented woman and between the pair of them, the combined profits of their main firms about to nearly €4m.