Last year One Direction announced that they’d be taking an extended break, which was followed by reports that claimed this was going to be the end of the band.
Now it has emerged that the demise of the group is down to personal issues between two of the band members.
According to reports today, Harry and Louis have allegedly fallen out causing a huge rift between the group.
A source very close to the band told The Sun, “Liam and Louis are the only real friends left in the band. Niall likes everyone as that’s part of his happy-go-lucky persona.”

A number of years back, it was reported that Harry and Louis wouldn’t fly together, putting further strains on their relationship as a band.
“When the guys started making enough money, Harry insisted there were always two modes of transport, even when it came to private jets,” the source said.
They added, “The official reason given was that Harry didn’t like the fact Louis, Liam and Zayn smoked on board, but it was something much more personal.

“For the making of their last three albums, they never spent any time together in the studio as a band.
“That’s quite an extraordinary situation, but their team knew the less time Harry and Louis had to spend together, the better the chances 1D would stay together.”
But despite this, the group probably won’t officially break up for another while yet, as it will cost them too much.
According to the source, “These days no band wants to officially split up because it costs them commercially. By going on a break they’ll still be able to keep selling merchandise.”
Ahead of their alleged final gig as a band, we’ve taken a look back at our favourite Niall Horan moments. Check them out here!