Brian McFadden has apologised for a comment he made on Twitter about speeding, which fans branded ‘offensive’ and ‘abhorrent’.
The former Westlife star was issued a six-month driving ban and a £450 (€500) fine in the UK on Friday.
This was the fourth time the father of two was caught speeding, leaving him with 12 penalty points racked up over the years.
The singer then took to Twitter to rant about the suspension.
In a now deleted tweet, he said: “Just left court in Nottingham. I was Clocked doing 39 in a 30 zone. 6 months suspension and £450 fine. Drink driver crashed his car he got 12 months and an £85 fine. As far as driving to my gigs the prosecution suggested I tweet my followers for a lift! Joke.”
When one follower pointed out the dangers of speeding, many were shocked by his response.
“There’s a reason the speed limit is 30mph. ‘If you hit me at 40 miles an hour, there’s around an 80% chance I’ll die. Hit me at 30 and there’s around an 80% chance I’ll live.’” Twitter user Lyndsey Ritchie said.
He responded: “Then I’ll make sure I’m doing 50 so I definitely won’t have to listen to this.”
McFadden has now issued an apology via his spokesperson, who told Press Association: “He apologises for any offence his Twitter comments may have caused.
“He was only making them relative to his own experience, which didn’t involve anyone else and of course, in hindsight, realises that families whose lives have been effected by speeding drivers would feel strongly about this and apologises to them for his flippant remarks.
“He also adds, that he has learnt his lesson on this occasion and will definitely be more careful on the road when he’s back on it in six months.”
After a police officer criticised him for his comments, Brian tweeted: “Would like to clarify I didn’t say being banned was a joke. I said it was a joke that the prosecution suggested I tweet my followers to give me a lift to my gigs. I accept the ban! Completely. Not the prosecutions stupid comments or the unusually high fine.”

Many fans still weren’t happy, however, with one Twitter user named Andy writing: “Sometimes it’s best to consider how the written word will be taken by people. Also the remark about going even faster with the implication of killing someone so you don’t have to listen to their comments. Public eye and all that.”
Brian responded: “Has the world gone so sensitive that a clearly humorous reply is taken so serious and with such offence. People need to lighten up.”
“You completely accept the ban, yet asked for a shorter ban in court as it would inconvenience you getting to gigs? Your spokesperson may have apologised but it’s clear that you yourself have no contrition at all. PS Your fine is means tested, blame your unusually high earnings,” Lyndsey Ritchie added.
“Perhaps just show some remorse,” Louise Reade added.
What do you think of his apology?